Induced Lactation for Intended Parents

surrogacy Oct 01, 2024

Considering inducing lactation as an intended parent? It's very common in my private practice. 

Breastfeeding is such a natural and beautiful way to bond with your little one, and it can really support attachment from the get-go. Plus, for those who have struggled with infertility, the ability to produce milk without pregnancy can be a healing experience -- a superpower, if you will.

If you're considering having your gestational carrier express milk for a period of time, we can definitely discuss that option further. As your IBCLC, I can also talk to you about other sources of donor milk if helpful.

I would love to help you navigate this journey! If you have any questions or need guidance on inducing lactation, feel free to schedule a free mini consultation with me HERE. Or, if you are ready to jump right in check out my consultation packages HERE. I work with parents in person or via telehealth from wherever you are. I'm here to support you and provide...

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