I did and they worked great for me...twenty years ago. But why mess with a good thing even if it was developed a long time ago?1
Because the Newman-Goldfarb Protocols for Induced Lactation® aren't a good fit for everyone. And because we have learned a lot since then:
- Safety risks of domperidone. Although domperidone is safe for almost all lactating (and prospective lactating) parents and their babies, domperidone is not a safe medication for everyone.2,3,4 And for the great majority for whom it is generally safe, domperidone can still lead to moderate to severe side effects if not properly dosed and discontinued.5,6,7 Approaching inducing lactation without professional guidance on domperidone use is risky business.
- Fenugreek and blessed thistle aren’t necessarily be best herbal options for inducing lactation. In fact, there may be reasons to avoid fenugreek and other herbs are probably more effective for inducing lactation anyway....