Induced Lactation for Adoptive Parents

adoption Oct 01, 2024

If you're considering inducing lactation as an adoptive parent, I'm here to support you every step of the way. As a fellow adoptive parent, I understand the unique challenges and joys that come with this journey.

Inducing lactation can create a special bond between you and your baby, providing numerous benefits such as supporting attachment and providing essential nutrients and immunities...especially important when attachment and physical health may be impaired by poor or lack of prenatal care or prenatal substance exposure1. Breastfeeding may also offer a sense of normalcy after a long and often unexpected road to parenthood. It's a beautiful way to connect with your little one on a biological level2,3. And for those of you of the Muslim faith, it is an avenue to meet the milk kinship requirement4,5,6.

I know that the process of inducing lactation as an adoptive parent can be filled with uncertainties, especially when it comes to adoption plans. Whether you begin inducing lactation...

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