Relactation and Back-to-Breast for Birthing Parents

What is relactation all about?

It is basically the process of restarting lactation after discontinuing...even if you chose not to lactate from the start. Relactation may occur after days, weeks, or months. It is a journey that requires time, effort, the right strategies, and of course, support.

Start with your 'how'

Understand how you got to this point in the first place. Perhaps, you simply weren't interested in breastfeeding when your baby arrived. Or maybe you wanted to breastfeed, but stopped because of lack of support, pain while breastfeeding, milk production issues, illness, or emotional barriers. Once you understand how you got here, ask yourself whether that situation has been resolved. If not, addressing the reason you discontinued lactation is the first step towards relactation. You might need the help of an IBCLC, your physician, or a mental health provider.

Next, dive into your 'why'. 

Why would you like to resume lactation? Some common reasons include having more support, illness in baby, baby's difficulty tolerating infant formula, grief over inability to provide milk, to facilitate bringing baby back to breast (see below), improved health of parent, or discontinuation of an incompatible medication. Understanding your reasons for relactating provides drive and direction as you begin the process of resuming milk production.

Next steps for successful relactation. 

Frequent and effective breast stimulation and removal of milk from the breasts is necessary for relactation. You can use a quality electric breast pump, hand expression and/or breastfeeding with a nursing supplementer. Your IBCLC can guide you on the best tools and a schedule for re-establishing lactation.

Galactogogues -- medications, herbs, supplements, or foods that support lactation -- can also help in boosting milk production when used along with pumping, hand expression or breastfeeding. The keys to successful use of galactogogues is to use them along with frequent and effective breast stimulation and milk removal, and to use galactogogues that are safe and effective for you. Not every galactogogue is appropriate for every parent in every situation. Your IBCLC or other health care provider can guide you with safe and effective use of galactogogues.

What about back-to-breast?

While relactation focuses on making milk, back-to-breast is all about latching baby at the breast. Whether you're already lactating or not, bringing baby back-to-breast requires patience, determination, and support. It's a gradual process that can be incredibly rewarding. Ongoing guidance and support from your IBCLC will greatly improve your chance of success.

If you have any questions or need guidance on relactation or back-to-breast, feel free to schedule a free mini consultation with me HERE. Or, if you are ready to jump right in check out my consultation packages HERE. I work with parents in person or via telehealth from wherever you are.

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