Prenatal Consultations

In-home and telehealth visits available. Covered in full by many insurance plans. 

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A prenatal lactation consultation is all about getting breastfeeding off the best start. It may be particularly helpful to have a prenatal lactation consultation if any of the following applies to you:

  • Difficulty breastfeeding previous baby
  • Difficulties with fertility
  • Lack of breast changes during pregnancy
  • History of breast surgery
  • Unusual breast shape, wider breast spacing, or breasts significantly uneven in size
  • Significant health issues in parent or baby 

Self-pay. $165. Self-pay clients must pay at time of service, and will be provided with a lactation receipt with insurance codes when  submitting to insurance for potential reimbursement. 

Travel fee. $60 for in-home visits outside I-270 loop. Applicable to clients covered by insurance or not.

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