Postpartum Consultations

In-home and telehealth visits available. Covered in full by many insurance plans. 

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  • Difficulty latching baby
  • Baby bungry after breastfeeding
  • Slow weight gain
  • Painful nipples or breasts
  • Low milk production
  • Tongue-tie or lip-tie
  • Pumping difficulties
  • Bottle-feeding difficulties


Self-pay. $195 initial consultation; $165 follow up consultation. Self-pay clients must pay at time of service, and will be provided with a lactation receipt with insurance codes when  submitting to insurance for potential reimbursement. 

Travel fee. $60 for in-home visits outside I-270 loop. Applicable to clients covered by insurance or not.

Schedule Here

What happens in a lactation consultation?

Before the consultation:  You will receive an online intake form to be completed prior to your consultation. 

During the consultation: We start by talking through the information from your intake form, focusing on the issues and concerns that brought you to schedule the consultation.  Then I will typically assess baby's suck and their tongue, lip, and general mobility.  I will weigh baby on my super fancy scale designed to measure milk intake.  The client will breastfeed while I make suggestions to latching and positioning as needed.  We will re-weigh the baby to determine milk intake.  Then, we may discuss bottle-feeding or other supplementation method.  We may also assess pumping, including fitting flanges.

After the consultation:  I will provide you and your baby's doctor with a report from our consultation which includes the recommendations we discussed.  I will also follow up with you, either with another consultation or by email.


What Alyssa's clients are saying...

Shannon and baby Finley

You are the reason I am still able to breastfeed. I don't think I would've been able to have the tools to keep up with her and I am so thankful for your continual help.


Heather and baby Kateri

Making a plan with you was very huge for me. I felt like I could handle it and haven't had any "nursing tears" since I met with you…Our meeting with you was our turning point. You are providing such an awesome service to women. Thank you!!!


Anne and baby Noah

Alyssa, Thanks so much for your help and encouragement with breastfeeding!  Noah is 7 weeks old now and weighs over 11 pounds!  He's on a great growth curve and I can't believe I'm writing this but breastfeeding (without the nipple shield) is easy now!  I actually really enjoy it....If we hadn't had the appointment with you I definitely would have stopped.  My baby and I are healthier and happier because of your help and encouragement.  Nursing my baby makes me feel like an incredible mom and woman.  I'm so grateful.

Jacquie and baby Luke

I was at my wit's end and ready to quit breastfeeding.  I read a book and every website I could find on breastfeeding and I must have had half a dozen nurses help me with my latch but it just wasn't working for me and my baby.  He lost more than a pound in the first couple weeks of life and I was experiencing severe pain around the clock.  Thank goodness I found Alyssa who offered me hope and strategies.  I found her to be accessible and easy to talk to.  Now my son is almost 7 weeks old and we are well on our way towards being a well-coordinated nursing couple. 

Amanda and baby Reagan

I wanted to thank you again for helping Reagan and me this morning!  I cannot express enough how much better I feel after our session today!  I was ready to give up earlier this week, but now feel committed to continue breastfeeding and reassured that there are solutions out there to help Reagan because I hate to see her struggle.  Again, we really appreciate your help and all of the information that you gave us!


Anna and baby Bennett

Meeting with you and receiving your help has completely turned things around for us. Bennett has had NO trouble feeding since our meeting! He feeds every 2 hours or so and often 15 minutes on each breast or more! It has become a peaceful, enjoyable bonding time for both of us. I cannot thank you enough! He is also able to effectively feed from both sides....Thanks again for your help!!!


Elizabeth and baby Emma

I loved meeting you and appreciate your time. We have been doing jaw massages and stuck training and her latch is so much better!  ....Thank you so much, you saved my sanity, my love of nursing, and my nipples! 

Chauntée and baby Sebastian

You've been such a great help to us and I feel so much more confident about breastfeeding now!   Thank you!

Claudia and baby Claire

I am incredibly grateful for the lactation help I got from Alyssa.  I never expected to have any problems nursing my second child because I'd had a baby years before & nursing went very easily and without the slightest difficulty. When I had my second child I couldn't believe I found myself seriously doubting weather I could breastfeed her or not. After about 3 days I tried a lactation "support person" but it didn't help.  I broke down and called my husband to pick up some formula on his way home from work.  In the meantime, I found Alyssa's name & number. She was so patient.  I felt very comfortable.  She saw the latch difficulties right away & gently offered suggestions.   It gave me hope to get through the difficulty so that I did keep trying.  It was just what we needed.  The problems went away, & I healed.  We haven't had any problems since.  She is 14 months now and we are still nursing happily.  Thank you, Alyssa!


Tracy and baby Anna

Just wanted to tell you about Anna's four month check up. She's in the 60th percentile for weight and 75th for height woo hoo! Also wanted to say thanks again for all of the advice and support you've given me to get us to this point.  We probably wouldn't have made it this far without it.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart and I feel like we've finally made it!